The Queen is 94 years old. As things stand, when she dies, Parliament will proclaim her son “King of Canada” and make him our head of state. The importing of another offshore head of state is inappropriate and unacceptable! 1) The practice of filling an important government post on the basis of hereditary succession in…
How hard would it be for Canada to follow Barbados and become yet another Commonwealth republic?
SPECIAL FROM ASHOK CHARLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REPUBLIC NOW/RÉPUBLIQUE DU CANADA, TORONTO/THUNDER BAY. OCTOBER 18, 2020 : That Barbados has resolved to transition from constitutional monarchy to constitutional democracy (see “Barbados To Become A Republic by 2021”) also has relevance for Canada. Explaining the coming changeover, Barbados’ Governor General, Sandra Mason, said : “Barbadians want a…
Barbados just renounced the Queen. Now it’s time for Canada to follow suit
When I came to Canada from Saudi Arabia as a child in the winter of 1993, I was surprised by many things: signage written in two languages, the depth of cold, and the weak sleet on the ground (Hollywood had promised me fluffy snow – this was a major betrayal). No one had mentioned the…
Cox: Jettison the monarchy and establish a parliamentary republic in Canada
Queen Elizabeth II should be the last Queen of Canada. Canadians cannot avoid discussion about what comes next. The idea that another member of the British royal family should become the Canadian head of state is preposterous, offends our dignity and denies diversity. Canada should abolish the monarchy and become a parliamentary republic. Read the…
Harry and Meghan: Executive Director of Republic Now Quoted by CBC
Listeners share their thoughts on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s announcement that they will live in Canada part-time step back from royal duties. Executive Director of Republic Now quoted by CBC at 1:09:00.