In his memoir, Fire and Ashes, Michael Ignattief recalls being surprised that the current Oath of Allegiance to the Queen, which he was required to take before taking office, included nothing about the people who had voted him into office. “Instead, as in all Commonwealth democracies like ours, I swore an oath to Her Majesty the…
Australia’s Governor-General backs an Australian Republic
The Queen’s representative in Australia, Governor-General Quentin Bryce, has declared support for her country becoming a republic in an extraordinary speech which is set to reignite debate about the nation’s ties to Britain. Ms Bryce became the first Governor-General to back an Australian republic – a position which puts her at odds with Prime Minister,…
Hearst still waiting for permission to drop mandatory pledge of allegiance to the Queen
It’s almost three years since, the small, predominantly French-speaking town in northern Ontario asked the province for permission to drop a mandatory pledge of allegiance to the Queen required of incoming municipal politicians. The town is still waiting for an answer. Councillors from Hearst, about 950 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, voted to ask Ontario’s Ministry…
Time To Consider Severing Ties With British Monarchy
OTTAWA – With the Queen now in her mid-80s, outspoken NDP MP Pat Martin says it’s time for Canada to consider severing ties with the British monarchy and suggests his private member’s motion to strike her out of the citizenship oath is a small first step.
Support For NDP MP Pat Martin’s Parliamentary Motion On The Monarchy
TORONTO – The newly-formed REPUBLIC NOW says it fully supports the Winnipeg MP who says it’s time for Canada to consider severing ties with the British monarchy and suggests his private member’s motion to strike her out of the citizenship oath is a small first step.