Republic Now / République du Canada
We advocate a democratically-selected Canadian head of state.
Pour un chef d'état canadien issu d'u
We have long known that Canada's plagiarism of the British monarchy is a cancer upon our nation, making our citizens subjects to a foreign throne; insulting oath-takers who are forced to to swear allegiance to a British household; denying Canadians the credit they deserve for historic achievements; preventing the development of wholly Canadian symbols; relegating those we have to positions inferior to British ones, including the Canadian flag, itself; precluding anyone other than a member of the Church of England from becoming "the personification of the Canadian state". We seek to rid our nation of this cancer, just as we hope Kate and Charles rid themselves of the diseases they are now battling. Only then can we step into the future, liberated from the insidious residue of imperialism.
"The king and queen of Canada" won't be seen in this country for a while. There were reports that plans for a visit in May were underway, but all bets are off, following Charles's cancer diagnosis. They won't touch our soil at all, this year. We're a tad disappointed, because a royal visit would have widened debate on whether our proud, independent and democratic nation should keep leaning on another country's unelected head of state for its highest office. From The Toronto Star: tinyurl.com/yvxbhcr4
"The king and queen of Canada" won't be seen in this country for a while. There were reports that plans for a visit in May were underway, but all bets are off, following Charles's cancer diagnosis. They won't touch our soil at all, this year. We're a tad disappointed, because a royal visit would have widened debate on whether our proud, independent and democratic nation should keep leaning on another country's unelected head of state for its highest office.But if we can do without seeing "our king and queen" for years, we're confident we can do without having them at all. The time is NOW to examine alternatives.
The king is dead. No, not Charles. George. On this date in 1952, Canada replaced one British monarch with another. In 2022, history repeated itself because we weren't prepared with a Canadian alternative. When Elizabeth assumed the throne, our country was so enamoured with Britishness, it forgot itself. In the rush to proclaim the new British monarch as its own, Ottawa omitted "Canada" from Elizabeth's royal title. She was named "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Queen...”.Canada was literally an unnamed afterthought. In 2022, Canada grovelled to the British throne again by putting our country second, after the UK, in Charles's Canadian title. It's time to break the insulting cycle. Our proud nation deserves better: a head of state OF Canada, BY Canada, FOR Canada, and nowhere else.
Canada should wish Charles Windsor well on his cancer treatments in his role as head of the United Kingdom, not as our country's king. If he is unable to carry out official duties at some point, another member of the British royal family will step in. So, does that mean our proxies--the governor general and lieutenant-governors--will be acting on behalf of a British proxy such as Queen Camilla? In a republic, the question won't need asking.Meantime, Charles's health may put Ottawa's scheme to host the "king and queen of Canada" on hold. Planners were trying to design a week-long visit in May to 'friendly areas' in hopes of avoiding protests by the majority of citizens who reject their Canadian titles.
“I’m re-living the same day, over and over."Like weatherman Phil Connors in the movie Groundhog Day, our country is in a time warp. We've imported British monarchy for so long, it's hard to imagine anything different. For Phil, the endless cycle seemed inescapable -- until one day, when he learned how to escape the trap of repetition and fulfill his destiny. Our nation can do the same, and finally ring in a new day with a head of state of our own making. The tide is turning, but until we speak louder, every day is February 2nd. “Okay, campers, rise and shine!" Join us, and help turn today into tomorrow. republicnow.ca/membership/#GroundhogDay #Cdnpoli
A part of our republican heritage, Straight Outta Compton.On this date 142 years ago, Louis St. Laurent, our 12th prime minister, was born in Compton in Quebec's Eastern Townships. It was February 1, 1882.He made the Supreme Court the court of final appeal. Previously, cases could be appealed to the U.K. He also patriated parts of the Constitution, meaning approval from Britain was no longer needed. This paved the way for full patriation in 1982. These steps helped take Canada out of Britain's shadow in the post-war era, and are proud moments in our ongoing march to separation from Britain and its monarchy."Uncle Louis” was a beloved leader who oversaw the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Trans-Canada Highway. An internationalist, he helped found NATO, avoided war by using the United Nations to end the Suez Crisis, and brought Newfoundland into Confederation.St. Laurent's life and achievements are remembered at Louis S. St.-Laurent National Historic Site in Compton, Quebec. There, you'll find his birthplace, grave site, and the general store his father ran. He retired to a house in Quebec City, now listed on the national Register of Historic Places.National Historic Sites in Quebec, #OnThisDay #OnThisDate #OTD #Canada150 Parks Canada Historic Places
Monarchists often try to scare folks into thinking that getting our own head of state would bring an end to the world as we know it -- that, somehow, 'the sky would fall', and we'd lose parliamentary democracy if we Canadianized our high offices. On the contrary. As Republic Now's Randall White points out in this article, the sky will endure even after surrogates for the British crown are replaced with positions we've crafted, ourselves.See the post at LooniePolitics DOT com:"Canada doesn’t need a monarchy to keep its Westminster parliamentary democracy"