FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 19, 2016 –Toronto A patriotic group seeking to give Canada its own head of state is calling on Canada Post to honour Canadians on its stamps instead of royalty in Britain. It’s also asking the Mint to put Canadians on the head of Canadian coins–something the Mint has never done. The…
Union Jack is just the tip of the flagpole
You’ll forgive Syrian refugees who arrived Friday if they’re a little confused about where they’ve landed. Ottawa ordered all federal facilities to fly the British flag on December 11–including at airports. It does so every year to mark the anniversary of the Statute of Westminster, the British act which finally recognized Canadian nationhood in 1931….
We need people to be in a Republic Now video!
This Saturday we’ll be starting work on the video which will be a central part of our on-line crowdfunding campaign. The first scene to be shot is a “war room” shot, of a group of Republic Now members working on the campaign around a table. The concluding appeal for support, delivered by me, is to…
AGM Meeting – Nov 21st, 2015
The 2015 Annual General Meeting of Republic Now/République du Canada will take place in Toronto on Saturday, November 21st at Metro Hall, Room 304, at 1:00 PM. Metro Hall is at 55 John Street, Toronto, the southeast corner of King & John Streets. Reports will be given by the organization’s executive team, with time reserved…
Canadian election 2015 : Ask about a democratic head of state at your local all-candidates meeting
The official campaign just began on Sunday, August 2. But unofficially the real Canadian federal election of 2015 has been under way since as long ago as the 24th of May. Back on June 19 the veteran CBC TV pundit Andrew Coyne urged that there “has never been an election campaign like the one on…